Nakkara House
Nedumkunnam P.O.
Kottayam Dist, Kerala – 686 542
Mob: 9744043001

The Department aims at providing to the nation quality professionals, they quest to prepare professionally competent, ethically conscious and socially responsible students…….The Department aims at providing to the nation quality professionals, they quest to prepare professionally competent, ethically conscious and socially responsible students…….The Department aims at providing to the nation quality professionals, they quest to prepare professionally competent, ethically conscious and socially responsible students…….
Nakkara House
Nedumkunnam P.O.
Kottayam Dist, Kerala – 686 542
Mob: 9744043001
Assistant Professor
SJB College of Special Education
Assistant Professor
SJB College of Special Education
Mob: 9495749997
Nedumkunnam – 686542
Mob: 9846809769
Office : 0481-2485048
Mobile: 9447213103