The Internet Club members meet on a weekly basis. They make use of different internet facilities like searching, browsing, Internet Phonography, voice chatting etc.

The Internet Club members meet on a weekly basis. They make use of different internet facilities like searching, browsing, Internet Phonography, voice chatting etc.
The Tourism club organizes various programmes to promote interest in tourism among students. It conducts eco-tourism programmes, quiz on tourism and tourist spots, debates, discussions etc.
Music club: The music club is aimed at developing the musical talents in the students. They conduct various competitions for the students of the college. Apart from these they conduct light music competition for the students of our teaching practice schools. Moreover in collaboration with SJAAN, the alumni association of the college they conduct Inter B Ed Patriotic Dance Competition.
Science club: All the science students of the college form the science club aimed at developing a love for the nature, scientific attitude and to make others aware of the developments taking place in the field of science. The club conducts Science quiz for the students of the teaching practice schools.
Quiz club: The members of the club conduct quiz programme for the whole group once a week. There are competitions for the whole group twice a year as well. Under the banner of the club competitions are conducted for the students o the teaching practice schools and an intercollegiate quiz competition is arranged collaboratively with SJAAN
Oratory club: Teachers are to be best communicators and to develop this skill the club is formed. They conduct debates, elocution competitions, Just a minute etc for the students o f the college. An inter-school competition and an Intecollegiate competition for Elocution are sponsored by this club.
The nature club organizes various programmes like Rain water harvesting, vermiculture, organic farming etc under the patronage of NGOs like CHASS and INFARM.